Friday, July 27, 2012

Law of Attraction - How to look perfect and attract anything to you?

Law of Attraction - How to Attract Anything you like or just how to look Perfect in Eyes of the others ?

Zakon privlačenja - kako privući vezu?

Law of Attraction works for anything around you, starting with attracting your ideal partner, your sex buddy, material things like money, items etc.. It works even on your current boyfriends / girlfriends, same as husbands / wives, etc. We all want love and  to be loved, and its frustrating when we are alone, especially in this hot period, spring time, summer time when our hormones to be with someone are at highest levels.

As i promised before i will share secrets and techniques how to look perfect, how to make perfect body and also some life tips how to look attractive only by your attitude.

So let me fulfill my promise and continue reading to learn how to make that happen! Here is couple tips and techniques how to bring yourself more joy, happiness and success in your life:

The First Starting 3 Steppes how to attract money, success and love with the Law of Attraction:

1. Without doubt trust that your wish will come true...
2. Whole day send positive vibrations around you (smile with confidence, talk about positive things and avoid negative people)
3. Act like you wish has already came true !

Based on this three rules you can take advantage of Law of Attraction how to attract anything !
I will give you example how to attract your ideal partner but you can use this to whatever you need to attract.

Bellow i will write 5 steppes that you should follow:

1. The initial Trigger
When you wake up, think of your ideal man or girl. If there is person that you are already in love, think about that person. Then imagine how he smiles to you and how he holds your hand. See him/her how he enjoy to spend time with you.

2. Use your feelings and Imagination with confidence
While you are imagining, feel how that actually happens. You should behave as in dream and believe that the event is already happening.

3. Expectation and Faith
During the day expect to see your ideal partner. Imagine how you meet him on your way for work or at the shop. Speak to your self how you have strong feeling that you gonna see him today.

4. Be ready and positive.
In the restaurants or social meetings, expect to see your ideal partner. You should be ready what you gonna say when you meet him. All this time imagine how he/she is happy to see you.

5. Plan your whole time with him, act like you are already together !
Behave as you are dating that person. you can do that while you are going to cinema, shopping or when you are waiting something somewhere. Now its time to live trough your wish. Imagine how you sit next to your partner. How you speak to him/her and sharing jokes with him/her. BUT remember... The feelings that you feel while you are imagining all this wishes MUST be strong so the Law of Attraction works. You should really be happy and actually believe how those wishes are actually true and they are occurring in the moment you imagining them.


Following the steppes above you are already accomplishing very important terms that are important for the Law of Attraction to work. You should always keep in mind that your emotions, imagination and faith very very strong. You should always be aware of your mood, attitude and behavior in any given time. If you are honestly happy and positive, then you are applying the rules of the Law correctly.

Using the Law of Attraction is not requiring only practice, but, as i noted in my previous posts and in description, it takes changing of style of living and also some of your habits, because to other people, being always positive is strange and very attractive.

Contact me regarding any other Method, Subject you want to implement the Law of Attraction to!
As i said before, you can use this rules of the Law for any other thing (not only for finding partner), but for money, wining something, finding something in your life, or just improving your attitude and bringing more general success, joy and happiness in your life.
If you want example for any other subject in your life or you want other methods that will improve the quality of your life just email me on and i can give my best to help you with any subject in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I need your help.
    I'm from India , after 2 years i want to take admission in M.I.T. , but i don't have money, so plz guide me for the same.
    I have 2 years from now.
