If you feel that you want perfect defined butt, perfect abs workout plan, or well defined chest... Continue reading !
Finally the season of hot summer and short skirts, dresses, beach, sleeveless t-shirts etc came. But, most woman and man can't afford that outfit because of one very simple reason... But i bet you already know what i am thinking off... You're feeling fat and you think you look ugly !Some people think that those things are genetically, other people thinks that its because of bad food, and some of them thinks that its from inactivity...
But the real truth is that everyone has part of their theory true...
If you want those "i am lazy to give to myself 10-20 minutes per day so i can feel, look and be in perfect condition" reasons to not be your excuse for look not satisfied .. continue reading how to build your body perfect.
Easy Workout for perfect body
Note: If you haven't been training for very long time... i bet your body is "out of fit" a bit... so slowly and light workout will get you in fit fast and your body shape will become better and better. Its not necessary to train hours and hours every day, but patiently and smart get to desired result.Best results you gonna achieve if you combine: walking, workout / training in intervals, squats, push-ups and sit-ups, or even pull-ups (for more advanced training and desired for "only man"). Squats, Push-ups and Sit-ups give a lot of strength and endurance to most of the body parts.
Working on increasing strength of the body is very significant, its said by the experts from this field of expertise (and from my personal experience). If your muscles are trained well and stronger, you will burn more calories faster. And that is why experts put the highest priority to workout that train more muscles in same time. One of the best training exercise is making Squats. Their secret is in the method of activating most of your muscles. Thing that actually makes this exercise very effective its not just quantity, but something more important, like quality or the way of performing this exercise. If you perform this exercise in wrong way and you have bad technique, it stops being useful.
How to do Squats ?
If you wonder how to perform squats here is the magic formula.
If you want to perform correctly squats, its important that the space between your legs is same as your shoulder width, also your back should be tall and 90 degree. Imagine how you sit on chair, just without the part for leaning, and that way of training is correct.You can even use chair on the start, if you feel like that is necessary until you achieve that feeling of making those correctly.
You should start with couple squats per day, and then slowly increasing number.
If you do push-ups correctly, they can pretty much increase the power and also give very nice shape to your your chest muscles, triceps, even the muscles on your back and shoulders. And what is even more important, push-ups can be done at almost every level of physical readiness, starting from amateur to capable pro. Its very important to make push-ups correctly, otherwise you gonna lose your energy in waste and you won't meet much results.
How to do Push ups?
There is couple ways of how to perform push ups.
First method is following: take position so your face be turned to the floor, and then put your hands in a bit wider position that your shoulder width. Put your hands and knees on floor and try to put the body in as much correct as possible diagonal position, following line that starts from the shoulders and going down to the knees or foot. May your muscles of your trunk and abdominal muscles be also included in this physical exercise.
When you are sure that you are in correct position, start to lift and lower your body so bend and straighten elbows, while keeping the trunk in still position. Once you are sure that you learned this technique, you can start increasing of the push-ups by taking starting position for push-ups, stretch out one arm in side and do push-ups like that.
Aren't you dreaming about well defined abs and solid muscles on the stomach? The correct way to get them fast is to overcome technique.
How to do sit-ups?
If you wonder how to perform correctly sit ups continue reading...
For standard sit-ups the most wanted position is following:
You should lie on your back and stretch up the legs completely on the floor, and also the hands and fingers crossed behind your head so they support your head. Then you start raising your trunk, while in the same time contract your abdominal muscles. In same time raise your head from the floor first, then your neck, then your shoulders and last upper body of your back / trunk. DON'T in any case lift your neck while pushing your beard to the front. Don't hold your breath and let your elbows all the time be out of your sight, so your chest and shoulders would be completely widespread.
If you want your side abs to be better defined, you should take position for standard sit-ups, and then rotate the trunk to diagonal, first in direction of one leg, then in direction of other leg.
What you should always keep in mind is that you won't reach flat abs or good defined abs if you do ONLY sit-ups.
Burning excessive fat requires burning more calories that you take to your organism (but that doesn't mean avoiding calories, because calories are what gives your body energy to handle the whole day routine and also gives you energy to feel better and make the training even better). So, combining sit-ups with other exercise like squats or push-ups is necessary, because sit-ups part in forming abdominal muscles, defining perfect body and in same time at burning calories, but not ONLY in burning excessive fat around your abdomen.
Its very important to train slowly and increasing time and number of reps (repetitions), so you avoid getting hurt, making your muscles hurt next day or stretching some muscles or ligament. After 10-ish days, you gonna feel a lot healthier, and results will come on the balance and also your friends will notice you very fast.
From time to time you should consult your doctor or fitness trainer also, so you be sure that your workout plan that you're doing is correct and contributes in improving your health.
As i said in my previous posts... for every question, suggestion, criticism... you can contact me on: Message.me.here.for.free@gmail.com and if you need Free Workout plans sent to you to help you getting your perfect body.
Good Luck ! :)
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